If these percentages were the savings you made in operating expenses, good things would be happening in your career.
These are a few examples of why the Fortune 500 companies and other organizations have embraced finite capacity scheduling and resource management. Efficiency and productivity improvements in the 5-15% range have been documented as a result of better scheduling techniques.
But 50%? No way!
The 50% number is the potential savings in personnel costs that result from using the appropriate scheduling tools. In many organizations, there are multiple people using white boards, calculators, scheduling applications, telephones and lots of ‘tribal knowledge’ to build and maintain an operations plan. Not just in manufacturing, you see this also with hospitals, service providers, event planners and sports leagues.
It is easy to see how a 50% reduction in staff time is possible with good scheduling tools.
There are also savings available from better strategic analyses. Capacity and ‘What-If’ planning are easier to do with the right tools and the results are more accurate. Expansion and down-sizing supported by accurate plans of how critical resources will be used result in both savings and smoother transitions.
With exceptional scheduling tools, you can save by the fives!